Jigsaw Sudoku Puzzle
 Peter Jeuken from The Netherlands


Place the pieces so that each row, column and 3x3 block contains the digits 1 through 9.
You must fill in the gray cell by hand.
The remaining 80 cells are to be occupied by the 17 polyominoes.
The digits need not be upright, and you do not need to flip over any pieces.

George Sicherman:"Here is a PDF of the puzzle. It may be easier to print than the picture on your website"

Do you want a hint?

Good solvers obtain eternal fame
Mail to: [email protected]

Name Country Hint
Aad van de Wetering The Netherlands -
Odette De Meulemeester Belgium x
Peter Jeuken (The creator) The Netherlands -
Hagar Hagarson The Netherlands x
Sander Waalboer The Netherlands -
Lisan Sanders The Netherlands -
Martin Friedeman The Netherlands -
George Sicherman United States -
Helmut Postl Austria -
Aad Thoen The Netherlands x
Joseph De Vincentis Salem - USA -
Jan Kok The Netherlands -
Nico Looije The Netherlands -

Helmut Postl:"This is an excellent puzzle. First the idea of combining a polyomino puzzle with sudoku, and next the fine coincidence that the pentominoes and tetrominoes together have 80 cells, just one less than a sudoku board. Like George, I cut out the pieces from cardboard. To better recognize the numbers used and those still missing in a row, column or box, I wrote the odd numbers in green and the even ones in red. That helped a lot (especially in distinguishing the 6 and 9 when the pieces lay upside down or on the side). I solved the puzzle without using any of your given hints."
George Sicherman: "I like this! And I already know what number to write into the gray cell. That is the easy part.
I seldom work with physical pieces, but I am going to cut this one out. I have friends who (like me) make crossword sudoku puzzles. I think they will like this too."
"The solution to Peter Jeuken's puzzle is unique. Of course I used a computer to prove it!"

 Helmut Postl :"I thought about moving the hole from the corner to the center. So I tried to construct such a puzzle. And I succeeded - with the help of the computer, of course :-).
Have fun! And please put it on your site so that the others will have fun, too."

Place the pieces so that each row, column and 3x3 block contains the digits 1 through 9.
You must fill in the gray cell by hand.
The remaining 80 cells are to be occupied by the 17 polyominoes.
The digits need not be upright, and you do not need to flip over any pieces.

Here is a PDF of the puzzle.
 In the PDF are the odd numbers in green and the even ones in red

Do you want a hint?

Good solvers obtain eternal fame
Mail to: [email protected]

Name Country Hint
Helmut Postl (The creator) Austria -
Aad van de Wetering The Netherlands -
Odette De Meulemeester Belgium x
Peter Jeuken The Netherlands -
George Sicherman New Jersey - USA -
Lisan Sanders The Netherlands -
Martin Friedeman The Netherlands -
Nico Looije The Netherlands -

George Sicherman: "Postl's puzzle may be harder than Jeuken's for a human being, but it is no harder for a computer!"
Martin Friedeman:"Welk een ijzersterk vraagstuk van Helmut!"

Peter Jeuken made ​​on our request a second puzzle: a 8x8 Pento-sudoku with a 2x2 hole in the center.

Place the pieces so that each row, each column and the diagonals contains the digits 1 through 8.
You must fill in the gray cells by hand.
The remaining 60 cells are to be occupied by the pentominoes.
The digits need not be upright.
The pentominoes may be rotated but not flipped.
 Diagonal neighbours (2 locations next to each other in a diagonal direction) never contain the same number

George Sicherman: "It is the brain, the little gray cells on which one must rely." - Hercule Poirot, famous Belgian

 Here is a PDF of the puzzle.

 Will you help?

Do you want a hint?

Good solvers obtain eternal fame
Mail to: [email protected]
Name Country Hint
Peter Jeuken (The creator) The Netherlands -
Odette De Meulemeester Belgium -
Aad van de Wetering The Netherlands -
Aad Thoen The Netherlands x
Lisan Sanders The Netherlands -
Nico Looije The Netherlands -
George Sicherman New Jersey - USA -
Martin Friedeman Utrecht - Nederland -