Records Wedstrijd 34
Bob Henderson USA
"I tried to match Helmut's solutions to
Kate Jones' puzzle by hand and quickly found an 80 perimeter. I could only get
down to 42 by hand, but with some help from my computer I found several
solutions with a perimeter of 38! Some program output is attached below. I
assumed that there should be no interior holes, but that one pentomino may cover
a 13th (blank) space in the same row as "PENTOMINOES!". Let me know if these
assumptions satisfy the intended puzzle requirements. Thanks again!"
We keuren dit af. We vinden dat dit niet aan onze eis voldoet :"
...zodanig dat er binnen de figuur een lijn is die bestaat uit juist 12
vierkantjes die van alle pentomino's juist ��n vierkantje bevat."
We hadden echter de tijd niet gevonden om Bob hiervan te verwittigen en kregen
een volgende mail:
"I have found many solutions with a maximum perimeter of 86 units for Kate
Jones' "12 in a row" puzzle. They all have an empty space at each end of a row
of 12 spaces occupied by 12 different pentominoes, which seems to meet the
contest puzzle requirement of 'a line of exactly 12 squares' . If it is required
that no spaces beyond the ends of the row may be occupied, the U pentomino at
the end may be turned to put its middle square at the end of the row. This
brings 3 more of its faces into contact with the other pentominoes, reducing the
total perimeter to 80 units (the same answer that Helmut found). The attached
Excel file shows an example of each case.
The solutions
with a perimeter of 38 units that I sent to you earlier also contain 12
different pentominoes in a row of 12 consecutive squares, but the U pentomino
also occupies a 13th square at the end of the row. If this does not meet the
contest puzzle requirement above, please see the attached Excel file for a
solution with a perimeter of 40 units (again, the same as Helmut found). Many
thanks to you and Kate Jones for this nice puzzle!"