Geïmmigreerde pentomino's
George Sicherman
George stuurde ons een variatie van
We plaatsen alleen de oplossingen van elke combinatie met het minst
aantal pentomino's.
We kregen er van George Sicherman (GS) en van Aad Thoen(AT)
We kregen een mail van Aad Thoen :
"Om GS te stangen met 4 pentokes kan FP ook. Ik neem aan dat de vreemde
eend in de bijt niet geheel omsloten hoeft te zijn. Of wijkt GS hier ineens
van zijn eigen regels af?"
en het antwoord van George:"Aad Thoen is correct about 'following
my own rules.'. Besides, nothing was said about holes, and without holes a
polyomino cannot 'fall apart.'For this problem I have no philosophical
objection to two or more breakpoints.
I sympathize with the aesthetic objection, though. I have been avoiding
breakpoints to avoid having to display two sets of solutions, enclosed and
point-broken. But if Aad goes on studying these cases, he is bound to find
more examples. (And so am I!)"
We maken dus opnieuw twee tabellen
FI - 9 pentomino's (GS)
- 7 pentomino's (GS)
FN - 6 pentomino's (GS)
FP - 4 pentomino's (AT)
FT - 7 pentomino's (GS)
FU - 6 pentomino's (GS)
FV - 6 pentomino's (GS)
FW - 7 pentomino's (GS)
FX - 7 pentomino's (GS)
FY - 6 pentomino's (GS)
- 7 pentomino's (GS)
LF - 6 pentomino's (GS)
LI - 6 pentomino's (GS)
LN - 6 pentomino's (GS)
LP - 4 pentomino's (GS)
LT - 8 pentomino's (GS)
LU - 6 pentomino's (GS)
LV - 5 pentomino's (GS)
LW - 7 pentomino's (GS)
LX - 7 pentomino's (GS)
LY- 6 pentomino's (GS)
LZ - 7 pentomino's (GS)
NF - 6 pentomino's (GS)
NI - 7 pentomino's (GS)
NL - 5 pentomino's (GS)
NP - 5 pentomino's (GS)
NT - 7 pentomino's (GS)
NU - 7 pentomino's (GS)
NV - 7 pentomino's (GS)
NW - 5 pentomino's (GS)
NX - 9 pentomino's (GS)
NY - 7 pentomino's (GS)
NZ - 7 pentomino's (GS)
PF - 6 pentomino's (GS)
PI - 6 pentomino's (GS)
PL - 6 pentomino's (GS)
PN - 6 pentomino's (GS)
PT - 6 pentomino's (GS)
PU - 6 pentomino's (GS)
PV - 6 pentomino's (GS)
PW - 6 pentomino's (GS)
PX - 5 pentomino's (GS)
PY - 6 pentomino's (GS)
PZ - 6 pentomino's (GS)
WF - 9 pentomino's (GS)
WL - 13 pentomino's (GS)
WN - 9 pentomino's (GS)
WP - 7 pentomino's (GS)
WT - 11 pentomino's (GS)
WU - 12 pentomino's (GS)
WV - 14 pentomino's (GS)
WX - 9 pentomino's (GS)
WY - 10 pentomino's (GS)
WZ - 9 pentomino's (GS)
YF - 6 pentomino's (GS)
YI - 6 pentomino's (GS)
YL - 5 pentomino's (GS)
YN - 5 pentomino's (GS)
YP - 5 pentomino's (GS)
YT - 6 pentomino's (GS)
YU - 6 pentomino's (GS)
YV - 8 pentomino's (GS)
YW - 6 pentomino's (GS)
YX - 8 pentomino's (GS)
YZ - 7pentomino's (GS)
Wij vinden puntcontacten niet mooi daarom staan hieronder oplossingen zonder
FP - 5 pentomino's (GS)
FV - 7 pentomino's (GS)
FX - 8 pentomino's (GS)
FY - 7 pentomino's (GS)
NI - 8 pentomino's (GS)
NL - 6 pentomino's (GS)
PI - 7 pentomino's (GS)
- 6 pentomino's (GS)
- 6 pentomino's (GS)
WY- 11 pentomino's (GS)
"A flower sprouts in the
WZ - 10 pentomino's (GS)
YF - 7 pentomino's (GS)
YI - 7 pentomino's (GS)
YP - 6 pentomino's (GS)
- 6 pentomino's (GS)
En eentje met een gat
TV - 13 pentomino's (GS)
Oplossingen gevonden?