Gagnants 17

Gabriele Carieli

Gabriele Carieli (Italie) est le gagnant de notre zodiaque.
Sa clôture symétrique enferme 122 cases.

Il nous a écrit:

”From the moment the zodiac is arrived I and my 7 brothers are plaing with it, it's wonderfull. We have some guests fom Holland and them both are enjoing with this beautiful objects (some of them are really enchanted).
My brother Marco likes pentominoes very much (also the other brothers but expecially Marco, 12 years old). He's plaing with the zodiac without a stop."

Antonio, Marco, Lorenzo
Voici les trois petits frères : Antonio, Marco et Lorenzo

La calculatrice TI-83 Plus Silver Edition est pour Bart De Worm.
Elle a reçu une place de choix parmi ses nouvelles fournitures scolaires.
