Pentomino postcard
Edo Timmermans.
Try to place the 12 pentominoes
inside the largest possible rectangle, in such a
way that the pentominoes divide the rectangle in 5 parts of equal size.
There may not be more then 5 open areas; also open areas are not allowed to
touch each other in a corner.
The pentominoes must form one shape, so that from any pentomino there is a
pentomino path to any other pentomino.
Find the largest solution in which there is an open area in the centre,
enclosed by pentominoes.
This Excel file
will make searching
for a solution a bit easier.
To download it click with the right mouse button and choose �Save target as
...� to save this Excel file on your hard disk or diskette.
An help in
searching for solutions is the program �FlatPoly2�. You can download it from
the homepage of Aad van de Wetering, Driebruggen.