Eekhout Bridges
Given one set of pentominoes:
Use five (different) pentominoes to build a bridge with a rectangular outer edge.
Magnify this bridge with factor 2.
To build this similar bridge use a set of pentominoes and two sets of
Extra rule: the same tetrominoes may not
touch each other, not even with just a corner
The pentominoes and tetrominoes must lie in a single plane.
Try to maximise the enclosed area.
This Excel file
will make searching
for a solution a bit easier.
To download it click with the right mouse button and choose �Save target as
...� to save this Excel file on your hard disk or diskette.
An excellent help in
searching for solutions is the program �FlatPoly2�. You can download it from
the homepage of Aad van de Wetering, Driebruggen.
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