Pentosudoku competition with triplets
The idea comes from
Aad Thoen living in Amsterdam.
With thanks to
Aad van de Wetering
turning the idea into a competition.
the summer-holidays, we've got two problems, both being a lot of fun
according to us.
Solve the top sudoku, by taking care the next conditions apply:
numbers 1 upto 9 occur once in each row and column.
sum of the numbers in the
must be 25..
sum of the numbers in de
must be 20.
Three numbers a, b and c positioned adjacent to each other as abc (either
horizontally, vertically or diagonally) are never allowed to form a sum a +
b = c (with a < b), neither a sum a = b + c (with c < b).
the second sudoku the 4th condition of the previous one is replaced by:
◊ For three numbers a, b and c positioned adjacent to each other as abc
(either horizontally, vertically or diagonally), (b-a) must be different
from (c-b). This means that combinations like 123, 963, 159, 333, 468 are
not allowed.