45. Pentosudoku competition with triplets
The idea comes from Aad Thoen living in Amsterdam.
With thanks to
Aad van de Wetering for turning the idea into a competition.
For the summer-holidays, we've got two problems, both being a lot of fun according to us.
 sudoku met som van drietallen
Solve the top sudoku, by taking care the next conditions apply:
numbers 1 upto 9 occur once in each row and column.
The sum of the numbers in the pentominoes must be 25..
The sum of the numbers in de tetrominoes must be 20.
Three numbers a, b and c positioned adjacent to each other as abc (either horizontally, vertically or diagonally) are never allowed to form a sum a + b = c (with a < b), neither a sum a = b + c (with c < b).

In the second sudoku the 4th condition of the previous one is replaced by:
◊  For three numbers a, b and c positioned adjacent to each other as abc (either horizontally, vertically or diagonally), (b-a) must be different from (c-b). This means that combinations like 123, 963, 159, 333, 468 are not allowed.

sudoku met rij van drietal