
Aad van de Wetering send us a link

We found a site with this kind of puzzle

Aad van de Wetering made the puzzles. Thanks.

The pentominoes and the letters

Divide the grid into pentominoes so that no two pentominoes of the same shape (including rotations/reflections) share an edge. A cell with a letter in it must be part of the pentomino shape normally associated with that letter.

Correct solutions earn eternal fame.

You can also see the solution on

Some borders between pentominoes are already drawn.

Pentominou 1

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
George Sicherman - USA
Nico Looije - The Netherlands
Matthijs Coster - The Netherlands
Ilse De Boeck - Belgium

Pentominou 2

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Nico Looije - The Netherlands
George Sicherman - USA

Pentominou 3

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Nico Looije - The Netherlands
George Sicherman - USA

Pentominou 4

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Nico Looije - The Netherlands
George Sicherman - USA

Pentominou 5
Elke pentomino moet voorkomen.

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Nico Looije - The Netherlands


Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Nico Looije - The Netherlands
George Sicherman - USA

Eight pluses and one min

If you want a tip, put the the mouse on the puzzle.
Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Nico Looije - The Netherlands
George Sicherman - USA "Surprising!"

Aad made this puzzle to celebrate the birth of "LEO"

Is an imperfect �o� but you can't want everything ;-)

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Bert Seghers and  Elke Debrie - Belgie -
Proud lion parents of Leo
Nico Looije - The Netherlands
Marleen Dhondt - Belgium - Mutti of Leo
George Sicherman - USA
I see the letters C-U-B!

A few more names


Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Nico Looije - The Netherlands
Els Coussement - Belgium


Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Ilse De Boeck - Belgium
Nico Looije - The Netherlands


Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Nico Looije - The Netherlands


Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Nico Looije - The Netherlands
George Sicherman - USA

Additional conditions:
The same pentominoes may not touch each other diagonally.
Every pentomino must be used.

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Nico Looije - The Netherlands


The dot means an intersection of two roads, so the four squares belong to four not the same pentominoes
Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Nico Looije - The Netherlands


Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Nico Looije - The Netherlands
Edo Timmermans - The Netherlands


Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Nico Looije - The Netherlands


Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Nico Looije - The Netherlands

THIJS on the MAT

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Matthijs Coster - The Netherlands
Nico Looije - The Netherlands

For Matthijs

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Nico Looije - The Netherlands


Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Nico Looije - The Netherlands

Voor Rudy Penne

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Nico Looije - The Netherlands

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Nico Looije - The Netherlands

Voor Paul Levrie

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Nico Looije - The Netherlands

For honoring Simon Anthony, Aad made the following two pentominous.
The dot means an intersection of two roads, so the four squares belong to four not the same pentominoes.

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Aad Thoen - The Netherlands
Nico Looije - The Netherlands

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Aad Thoen - The Netherlands
Nico Looije - The Netherlands

Especially for Leo's Mutti
In the first, Aad put "no dot on the i".
The dot means an intersection of two roads, so the four squares belong to four not the same pentominoes.

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
 I found this very difficult. Started with all possibilities of "S"
Nico Looije - The Netherlands

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Nico Looije - The Netherlands

Aad made a Dutch (same in German!) and an English pentominou especially for "Helmut"

Helm en ut

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Nico Looije - The Netherlands
George Sicherman - USA
Helmut Postl - Austria

Helmet en e=u

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Nico Looije - The Netherlands
Helmut Postl -

And some great mathematicians
The mathematicians are especially fond of the X Y and PI!

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Nico Looije - The Netherlands
George Sicherman - USA


Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Nico Looije - The Netherlands

Aad put me in the spotlight. Thanks!
Not easy, an O and a D. But pi is in it!
Nico: "These were quite difficult for the program"

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Nico Looije - The Netherlands
George Sicherman - USA
I was slow like an ox!

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Nico Looije - The Netherlands

For the grandchild of George Sicherman.

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
George Sicherman - USA
Nico Looije - The Netherlands


The dot means an intersection of two roads, so the four squares belong to four not the same pentominoes.

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Nico Looije - The Netherlands

Aad made two pentominoes haikus for us.
"ku=koe" Dutch for cow.
The dot means an intersection of two roads, so the four squares belong to four not the same pentominoes.

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
George Sicherman - USA
Nico Looije - The Netherlands

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Nico Looije - The Netherlands
George Sicherman - USA

For the weekend we got nice beers.
"Pint" is Dutch for "beer"

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Nico Looije - The Netherlands

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Nico Looije - The Netherlands

 "BEER" with additional conditions:
The same pentominoes may not touch each other diagonally.
Every pentomino must be used.

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Nico Looije - The Netherlands


Not a soft boiled egg ;-)

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Nico Looije - The Netherlands

Additional conditions:
The same pentominoes may not touch each other diagonally.
Every pentomino must be used.

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Nico Looije - The Netherlands

Who wants to make an omelet must first break eggs.

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Nico Looije - The Netherlands

Additional conditions:
The same pentominoes may not touch each other diagonally.
Every pentomino must be used.

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Nico Looije - The Netherlands

We vroegen Aad om er twee te maken voor Bernard (Weet je zijn familienaam?)

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium

Nico Looije - The Netherlands
Ilse De Boeck - Belgium
Matthijs Coster - The Netherlands
Aad Thoen - The Netherlands
Els Coussement - Belgium

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium

Nico Looije - The Netherlands

Aad made three puzzles for our other friend Aad (T hoen = chicken)

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
George Sicherman - USA
Nico Looije - The Netherlands
Aad Thoen - The Netherlands

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Nico Looije - The Netherlands
Aad Thoen - The Netherlands

In this exercise, a pentomino may only be used once.

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Nico Looije - The Netherlands
Aad Thoen - The Netherlands

For 'Kate Jones' of Kadon Enterprises made Aad the next two pentominoes.
A cat is in Dutch: 'Kat'

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
George Sicherman - - USA 
Aad Thoen - The Netherlands
Nico Looije - The Netherlands

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
George Sicherman - USA
It was nice of Aad to put all 12 pentominoes in this one."
Aad Thoen - The Netherlands
Nico Looije - The Netherlands

Aad made 2 puzzles for the turn of the year.

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Aad Thoen - The Netherlands
Nico Looije - The Netherlands
Els Coussement - Belgium
George Sicherman - USA "2021 is much easier than 2020."

In the first, Aad placed "no dot" for multiplication.
The dot means an intersection of two roads, so the four squares belong to four not the same pentominoes.
The special thing about 2021 is that it is formed by two following integers. It becomes even more amazing when you consider that 2021 is the product of two following primes.
2021 = 2000 + 21 = 40.50 + 3.7 = (45 - 5)(45 + 5) + (5 - 2)(5 + 2) = 45� - 2� = (45 - 2)(42 + 2) = 43.47

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Nico Looije - The Netherlands

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium

Aad Thoen - The Netherlands
Nico Looije - The Netherlands

The year of the ox begins on February 21, 2021

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Nico Looije - The Netherlands
Aad Thoen - The Netherlands
George Sicherman - USA

"The best Ox is LinOX!"

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
George Sicherman - USA
Aad Thoen - The Netherlands

Vereniging Nederlandse Verkeersvliegers

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium

Matthijs Coster -
The Netherlands
Aad Thoen - The Netherlands

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium

Matthijs Coster -
The Netherlands
Aad Thoen - The Netherlands

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Aad Thoen - The Netherlands

We received a nice puzzle from George:

Why does an American choose a beer of the Netherlands?
George Sicherman - USA
Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Nico Looije - The Netherlands

here is a Belgian version!


In the following puzzles there will be an option: number of different neighboring squares.
A neighbor is both orthogonal and diagonal. Maximum 8, minimum 1.

I thought the minimum was 2, but Aad refuted this with the following example

Aad sent a nice example of a counting box
This is an 11x11 with a central counting box with a value of 8, using two sets of pentominoes.


Neighbors 1

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Nico Looije - The Netherlands
Matthijs Coster -
The Netherlands


Neighbors 2

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Nico Looije - The Netherlands

Neighbors 3
 Do you want some hints? Move the mouse pointer over the problem.
Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Nico Looije - The Netherlands

88731 (it is a prime number)

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Aad Thoen - The Netherlands
Nico Looije - The Netherlands

Neighbors 5
.Fill the grid with just one pentomino set

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium ( Thanks to FlatPoly)
Nico Looije - The Netherlands

88321 (it is a prime number)
Each pentomino is used at most twice.

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Nico Looije - The Netherlands



Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium

All solvers deserve a flower.
"Tulips from Amsterdam"
TULP = Dutch for TULIP

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Nico Looije - The Netherlands

Additional conditions:
The same pentominoes may not touch each other diagonally.
Every pentomino must be used.

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Matthijs Coster - The Netherlands
Nico Looije - The Netherlands

Our English-speaking participants will also receive a flower.

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Nico Looije - The Netherlands

Tulip with additional conditions:
The same pentominoes may not touch each other diagonally.
Every pentomino must be used.

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Nico Looije - The Netherlands

It is always party time with these puzzles.

With 2 onions = UI in Dutch (joke)

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Nico Looije - The Netherlands

To finish ( a Dutch puzzle to celebrate Pi Day oog = eye => EPILOOG)

Aad van de Wetering - The Netherlands
Odette De Meulemeester - Belgium
Nico Looije - The Netherlands

Can't figure it out and would you like a solution? Send an email.